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Custom resolution

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2018 12:02 am
by Randolf
Hey guys,

i have seen few ppl who wanted to play QW on bigger screen or in higher resolution. Since this game is old and was not written for this kind of settings you cannot just tune it in game, so today we will use this dirty config files.

Note: I am not experienced when it comes to ETQW configs, so this post may need some editing.

Suggested Config Setup:
Make an myconfig.cfg in your My Documents\id Software\Enemy Territory - QUAKE Wars\base\ folder
Make an autoexec.cfg with a simple "exec myconfig.cfg" line in same folder in which you have myconfig,cfg,
If it doesn't load when game starts, open game and in console (Ctrl+Alt+~) write exec autoexec.cfg
Treat the myconfig.cfg as an autoexec - it will support both custom binds & will automatically execute on startup.
An autoexec under your *\base directory will not normally support binds, and setting up in this way will allow the execution to run smoother.
Now, when you find a CVAR or Bind you like from below, simply place it in your newly created myconfig.cfg!
If on game startup config doesn't work copy autoexec.cfg to your *\sdnet\yourname\base\ folder, it may help.

//General settings you may add on top of resolution
seta com_allowconsole "1" //open console with just ~
seta win_notaskkeys "0" //allows alt tab
seta com_useFastVidRestart 1 //allows alt+enter to put game in window
seta g_skipIntro "0"//skip that stupid intro
seta r_fullscreen "1" //puts game in fullscren, 0 for window mode
seta net_clientLagOMeter "1" //shows lagometer
seta com_videoRam "x" //change x to your video card memory, for my 1070 it's 8192
seta r_UseThreadedRenderer "2" // allows QW to use more than 1 CPU thread

//wanna higher refreshrate?
seta com_showfps "1"//shows fps
seta r_swapinterval "0" //disable vsync, 1 to enable, can be changed in game settings
seta com_unlockFPS "1" //unlocks fps over 30fps
com_unlock_timingMethod "0" //prevents game for "smoothing" fps, if game is choppy set to 1, it will force QW to smooth using multiples of 30
seta com_unlock_maxFPS "x" //locks fps to x value, helps if you want to limit frames with vsync off
seta r_displayRefresh "60" //sets refresh rate, 60 is default, if you have 144hz monitor feel free to change it, don't forget to set other settings accordingly

//resolution and aspect ratio
seta r_mode "-1" // allows you to put custom screen resolution, you can also put number from 1-15 to use in game settings
seta r_customWidth "x" //custom width, 3840 for 4k
seta r_customHeight "x" // custom high, 2160 for 4k

seta r_aspectRatio "-1" // allows custom screen ratio, you can also put number 0-3, 0=4:3, 1=16:9, 2=16:10, 3=5:4
seta r_customAspectRationH "x" //custom horizontal ratio, 3.44 for ultrawide monitors
seta r_customAspectRatioV "x" // custom vertical ratio, 1.44 for ultrawide monitors

Hope it helps, make sure to send mauiboi here. All feedback is welcome

Re: Custom resolution

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2018 4:01 pm
by basotl
That's how I set mine up. I run three monitors at 3840x1024. Also be careful about changing settings in the game . It resets the resolution to the max the game supports by default if I make any other changes on that page from what I set in the config.

Re: Custom resolution

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 11:51 pm
by Transient
Nice guide, very helpful stuff. I have used some of this stuff before when I tried the 3 monitor setup on an ATI card and an ultrawide monitor on my current Nvidia card. Just using a big 1080p monitor right now, I found the ultrawide messed up the Gforce experience capture software (video aspect was wrong). Cabling for the 3 monitors was a pain, had to get an active adapter for the display port connection on the video card, but three monitors was pretty cool for flying....just hated having to config each game for it.

PS: I did the config a little different, just find the existing config and save a copy to desktop or wherever for backup and then just edited the existing one that's in use to the resolution and aspect ratio needed. I have the ultrawide settings on an old post on BBA facebook page.