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et is losing all binds and video sttiongs

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 10:45 am
by trukkerdongen
for 2 weeks now when i start et it starts in a window (not full screen)
my binds are gone and so are all my video settings,

so when i start up i have to first set it full screen again then i have to alter my crosshair, and put in my binds again.

this happens evert time after i close.

what's the problem??

didn't alter anything here

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 3:13 pm
by GunClap
When you close, your settings are saved in your jaymod config, but not in your ET Main. If you have changed it to how you want it now and closed it, then all you have to do is copy your config from jaymod to etmain. If you have an autoexec.cfg in your jaymod folder, copy that over to ET main.

(This is very crude and requires mass amount of explanation as to why each part does what, but the process above is the answer to the question "What do I do about it?" and not "Why does it happen?")