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*** Fallout 3 ***

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 1:54 am
by OhMyHead
My so-called friend who got me driving and wrecking cars for endless hours has moved on to new things. And he just can't keep his yapper shut about it. Fallout 3. Having never played it or any of its predecessors, I didn't have a clue what the hell he was talking about.

So of course now I'm playing it. Played it for 17 frickin' hours straight yesterday! It's slow. There's a lot of blabbing with a lot of people. I have SIX open quests going on, and there must be like 75 of 'em here. It reminds me of all the Sierra games I used to play (King's Quest, Space Quest, Quest For Glory, etc), only with better graphics of course. And the BLOOD! Aw MAN the blood is super gross and awesome in this thing! It's even one of the perks you win after achieving a certain level. I could have gotten better melee skills or better lock-picking skills, but I picked "Bloody Mess", the one that turns a simple kill into "Characters and creatures you kill will often explode into a red, gut-ridden, eyeball-strewn paste.". And they zoom in and slow-motion multiple angles show it. Then you get to look for body parts to search the thing. :lol:

After the Sierra years, I went on a serious video game hiatus. NO GAMES WHATSOEVER. For ten long years. Then someone turned me onto ET and that is the ONLY game I've played for five long years. Then this dude...this guy that won't even download ET and play it, has got me buried in a MASSIVE questing RPG or whatever you call these. I must say...I and reeeeally starting to like it. You can even make your character look as much like yourself as you can at the beginning. I didn't spend too much time there, but I thought that was a pretty cool feature.

I miss ET, though.




Has anyone else played this thing?

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 3:05 am
by dax
great game.... you will hate the ending......

I heard they have add-on level or something now.. will have to check it out..

And yes... it IS VERY addictive


Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 3:52 am
by OhMyHead
Add-on level? :lol: Like there isn't enough stuff in there to take up your entire life for weeks?

I'm noticing that you gain "XP", but my lock picking skill level for instance isn't growing after each time I successfully pick a lock. You have to finish a level and then add points to your own levels. Me no likey.

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 4:39 pm
by OhMyHead
And did you ever buy those super high value items from the supply store? To furnish your home? I am walking around maxed out at 220 (270 now with a Strong Back) at all times and have never gotten over 500 caps at any one time. And whenever the caps did start to add up, I was have to spend them right away.

I must be missing a way to get PAID in this game.

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 10:51 pm
by OhMyHead
Aaaahahaha! I just said this out loud, to myself, as a Protectron robot in the Nuka-Cola plant was shooting at me. I turned, ran down a hall thinking of laying some mines, and said, "I got somethin' for YOU, Robbie."


I swear, Halle Berry could walk in here naked and begging for it right now and I'd have to tell her to leave. I'm on a QUEST, woman!

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 1:11 am
by dax
LOl been there with that game.... trust me the end will dissapoint you since 99% of the game was dead on fantastic....

Don't say I didn't warn you.....

Isn't the whole thing just a great work of art... the landscaping and buildings and such?


Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 2:09 am
by whacknut
as of right now i think there are 4 add ons i think the 3rd one picks up right after the original ending probaby casue so many people didnt like it the others just blend in and add extra quest areas and things. and as far as i know none of your skill improve with use. and ohmyhead what exactly are you spending all those caps on i think im at about the same spot in the game you are and ive got almost 10k in caps and tons of gear and stuff stored in my magaton apt.

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 2:17 am
by OhMyHead
dax - I'm stuck using Low video quality and it's still a work of art, yes! Still, my absolute favorite part of this game is the Bloody Mess/V.A.T.S combo on each kill. Blows me away!

whacknut - I haven't really said where I'm at in the game because I didn't want to spoil anything for anyone else who might be playing. I have 6 open quest at the moment (currently gathering Quantum bottles). I am leaving finding dad until later. I am also playing as a good guy. I know now that I can go back and play like a murderous bastich from hell. I'm rather looking forward to that. :D

Caps. Since I first asked about those, I've discovered that railroad ties don't weigh anything, so that has helped (have 891 caps now). I have only a few items at the apartment. I should really use the map transport thing more often and dump more goods there, thanks for that. I once dumped a lot of goods in the corner at the supply store and that beeyotch swept them up! D'oh! But I'd say the thing I'm spending most of my caps on is repairs.

Speaking of which, having to put on the Vault Utility Coat on before repairing my own weapons and apparel is a pain. Soooo many times I've jumped into battles wearing that flimsy thing by accident.

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 4:52 am
by OhMyHead
Ah! I found where the current stats are.

Level: 9

Locations found: 27

Quests completed: 7

People killed: 94

Creatures killed: 247

Times addicted: 3 (Don't tell my sponsor!!) :lmao:

Bobbleheads found: 3 (Hidey little suckers these)

Just killed the Super Mutant Behemoth without a scratch on me. hehe

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 6:02 am
by ChairmanMao
I am currently playing another RPG made by the same company (Bethseda) called Oblvion IV Elder Scrolls. I am not so much into the Orks and Elves thing, but it is a good game. Defo will be playing Fallout3 when I finish this one though.

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 6:17 am
by OhMyHead
Cool! You'll probably not want to be following this thread then, mate. :)

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 12:44 pm
by OhMyHead
Question: There doesn't seem to be any actual side effects from withdrawl after becoming addicted on something. Is it something subtle or something going on in the background?

(at this for 19.5 hours at the moment) :eew:

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 1:10 pm
by OhMyHead
D'oh! I wish I knew that holding down the tab key turns a FLASHLIGHT about ten levels ago! :wall:

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 2:03 pm
by dax
Hey, you have your pipboy lighting by holding down the tab key ( smirk).. just incase you didn't know...


Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 3:18 pm
by swiftdeathsk
Fallout 3 is a great game. I haven't played it first hand, but I've seen it being played from over-the-shoulder.

Still, I prefer Bethseda's The Elder Scrolls series more than anything.

Does Fallout 3 have user-made mods too? If it does, this game will be around for a long while.
ChairmanMao wrote:I am currently playing another RPG made by the same company (Bethseda) called Oblvion IV Elder Scrolls. I am not so much into the Orks and Elves thing, but it is a good game. Defo will be playing Fallout3 when I finish this one though.
Oblivion is only better graphically when compared to Morrowind, it's predecessor. If you install the right graphics mods on Morrowind, it beats oblivion in all aspects, especially storyline wise. I've played both, and prefer MW with it's millions of mods hands down.