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Toggle Weapon Script

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:06 am
by Kweegwin666
Ok. not sure if this is posted on the web somewhere else (which it probably is). Anyways, I made this script tonight and i figured i would share it with anyone who wants it.

NOTE: this is my first home made script. made it looking at other scripts for FOV, etc.

This Script is to Toggle from your Primary and secondary weapon. if you are handing out medpacks and you suddenly get back owned you can hit your assigned button to whip out your SMG and pop them in the head.

Put this in your Autoexec.cfg file

set wt1 "weaponbank 3; set switch_wt vstr wt2;"
set wt2 "weaponbank 2 ; set switch_wt vstr wt1;"
set switch_wt "vstr wt1"
bind "MOUSE2" "vstr switch_wt"

bind it to whatever button you want. i have it bound to my right click button(MOUSE2).