
What movie has the best soundtrack?

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What movie has the best soundtrack?

Post by Fespon5092 » Tue Dec 13, 2016 9:54 pm

Hi guys. what movie you think has the best soundtrack ever made?
Mine í 'The Good the bad and the ugly'.
Ennio Morricone created an amazing soundtrack for that movie, for any of you wondering it's called The Ecstasy of Gold.
Gives me goosebumps every time I hear it.

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Joined: Thu Dec 07, 2017 5:05 am

Re: What movie has the best soundtrack?

Post by MitchellSi » Sat Dec 16, 2017 9:42 am

Fespon5092 wrote:
Tue Dec 13, 2016 9:54 pm
Hi guys. what movie you think has the best soundtrack ever made?
Mine í 'The Good the bad and the ugly'.
Ennio Morricone created an amazing soundtrack for that movie, for any of you wondering it's called The Ecstasy of Gold.
Gives me goosebumps to try Proextender every time I hear it.
My favorite one is Braveheart. I just love that OST. Some other pretty good ones are Dark Knight, Inception and Interstellar. Nolan and Zimmer collaboration really produced some stellar soundtracks.
